I got my name changed!

Results (Relief)

Some of the good feelings I've had since changing my name.

  • I can show up as myself and people see me.
  • Unintended side effect of being seen, which is very scary but feels amazing because people are finally seeing me! I am finally seeing me.
  • Such a weird impact on taxes, paying bills, fulfilling adult responsiblities - that's ME, that's MY name, as if all previous bills were going to someone else.
  • Meeting new people who will never know me by my old name.
  • "Gender doesn't matter" = my physical presentation has no rules. There are no rules/expectations for non-binary people (especially from people who think that's not possible). Show up in the world however you want! Stop shaving your legs so you can feel the wind in your glorious leg mane.
  • The overwhelming support and outpouring of love from other members of the queer community and allies.
  • Issues people still have:
    • Remembering my name, at first. In 2024, people started getting more consistent.
    • Remembering that although I am not a woman, I was socialized as one.
    • Remembering I was never a “little girl” we just got it wrong at first.
    • Confrontations in public bathrooms where people feel entitled to know which genitals I have.