I got my name changed!

Name change process - Phase III

Many of these can be done at any time, even before you start the official government name change process. I did them here and there as I progressed through Phases I and II while waiting for something to process or come in the mail.

This page is just a list of items to consider in addition to the primary stuff from Phase I and II. The systems/processes that you use for these categories will vary widely. I was able to do most of these online. FYI: You do not need to submit a change of address form to USPS if you have only changed your name, but if you have a PO Box you might need to go into the post office to update the name associated with the box.

  1. Personal email address
  2. Elections (if not done already)
  3. Vet
  4. Online profiles
  5. Airlines, trains, travel accounts
  6. Delivery services
  7. Retail accounts (Amazon, Target, etc)
  8. Professional licenses and certs