
Max Crunch Knowledge Base

First Snow

One photo of each year's first snow.

Began: 2022

Things I've Learned

Every year I try to make a list of the stuff I learned that year.

Began: 2020

Web Styles

My personal cheat sheet for colors, styles, and other code snippets I use frequently.

Other Things Elsewhere

Name Change

Reflections of my experience with changing my first/middle name legally in the USA and tips/checklists for others who need to do so.

Travel Journal

Reflections about places I've been (starting in Dec 2024).

Zine Therapy

A site/guide that explains the concept of using self-exploration questionairres and creating zines as monthly therapy.

find more things to do now back to maxcrunch find me



Added my 2024 lessons learned and a link to my Travel Journal. Removed the Notes & Quotes and Resources links since that content is moving. Moved the Now section to this KB site.


Hunted down my 2022 and 2023 lessons learned and added them.


Site created

Icons from flaticon.com