Welcome to my Animal Crossing Shrine! I've been playing Animal Crossing since ~2012. Games I've Played & Favorite Villagers Games I've Played & Favorite VillagersI started with Animal Crossing New Leaf (ACNL) on the 3DS. I've also played Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (ACPC), Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH), and Animal Crossing Happy Home Paradise (HHP). I'm not an OG player, but it's been a while! I got into this game at the same time as Monster Hunter so it provided a good yin/yang to the murder of creatures and carving of monster parts.
Hate list (stay mad)
Pictures from my IslandI still play ACNH from time to time, but I'm not a regular player anymore. Pics from my islands since 2020 (I've broken down and rebuilt 3-4 times).
Hanging out with my mom
Pictures from my CampI don't play ACPC or ACNH anymore, but here are some camp pics I had saved on my phone.
Pics from around the game