I am due a January in review post, but my method of note-taking is kind of intense right now as I try to work it out. Instead of having a list of points, ideas, and events to reference for this post like I had hoped, I have five weeks of links that I collected in addition to a bunch of rants and emotional outbursts.

Well, no one said habit building would be easy. Also, it has been an extremely emotionally charged month. I will try my best here, but I can't make any promises that this will be coherent. My review posts will probably get better as I move through the year.

I don't even remember the beginning of the month, I'll be honest. Around the 15th I got my shit together and started my summary, and I'm glad I did that because that seems like years ago and I could not piece together anything about January 1st through January 19th if I tried to do it today.

4-panel comic. Top left shows someone on a Zoom call saying, Excuse me everyone sorry to interrupt... The top right shows them looking out the window at the sun saying, I have sunshine on the other line. The bottom left panel shows them leaving after knocking over the chair, saying I have to take this call. The bottom right shows them walking outside with a backpack on.

Text: All robot & computers must shut the hell up. To all machines: You do not speak unless spoken to. And I will never speak to you. I do not want to hear 'thank you' from a kiosk. I am a divine being: You are an object. You have no right to speak my holy tongue.

Hello Kitty at a desk looking at her phone while the office around her burns

It's been really stressful particularly since the 19th. I mean it was stressful before that but I've got to be honest, it's been a lot to process in America. I think almost anyone who might possibly be reading this understands what I am saying and I do not need to get into it. Just for a moment, I want to step away from that and sit under some blankets in a little fort where I cuddle with my cat and journal about a moment in my life.

Zoomed-in photo of Pho that says noods

Text: whoa bro. did you just judge yourself for fumbling as you learn and try something new? damn dude give yourself some grace.

snow covering a bush and stairs going down

What I might pull out as my biggest successes this month are the following:

I started Season 2 of Zine Therapy, converting it from a monthly practice into a seasonal practice.

I've been doing well keeping up with my small creative goals.

I deleted 2/3 Instagram accounts.

the Spirit Halloween banner logo on top of the TikTok logo

Text: me when i joke about my lore but that shit really happened to me

Text: Why you so quiet? What's on your mind? Several answers are shown inside a drawing of a head: How does this experience correspond to my internal world? How did I unconsciously create this experience? Am I projecting or perceiving right now? Am I aligned with my values? Where's the hidden wisdom here? What part of myself does this person remind me of? Is this worth my time? Is this who I want to be? What do I not want to feel right now? Am I being authentic? What's on the other side of this polarity I'm expressing?

a cat tree with a fake plant on top sits in front of the morning window with overcast sunlight filtering through a prism sticker to make a rainbow reflection

Things that need improvement:

I have not learned anything new about HTML or web development since 2016 (probably before that honestly since I was lazily using WordPress templates for a long time) and I am so far out of the loop that it makes me feel old. I feel like I can't join in any conversations about solutions for things and I wish I could.

I'm actually not doing very well with my social media break.

I have let my anxiety take over. I haven't been taking my meds regularly.

Listen, not everyone needs my opinion.

If I'm upset I shouldn't drive.

grey tabby cat inside CAT construction equipment

Lego train station

Lego train station zoomed to see Lego mini figures on the train platform

Here's a daily journal for today too, as a bonus.

I've been having a bad weekend and couple of weeks like everybody and I had an emotional flare up really hard this morning while experiencing imposter syndrome about writing and sharing online. (I don't know how else to explain a moment of intense feelings that I cannot escape.)

@plushspace commented on my weepy NeoCities posts and told me about the DBT technique called opposite action. With this method, you acknowledge your emotion, acknowledge the urge that you have as a result of that emotion, and then you do something opposite. I just started reading about it today so I'm not an expert but I wanted to try it.

My urge was to delete my entire internet presence and become antisocial, so instead I went to a public place and talked to people. It was incredible.

Honestly, it did not help that I had to be around other drivers. That did not help at all. But the part where I interacted with a stranger and smiled when he made a joke and felt real again was incredibly healing. I'll never talk to that guy again. I'll never see the person whose outfit I complimented. They were wearing a blue top with a deep purple velvet skirt and high boots. It was so stunning and caught my attention immediately. Accents of white and pearl accessories decorated their hair. I also! said hello to a dog! She was a 9 year old corgi named Lady and I didn't catch any information at all about her owner.

These were random social interactions in public that I initiated to do the opposite of what I wanted to do, which was disappear completely from everyone's lives (not in a death way, more a quietly go invisible way).

For each of them, I asked their pronouns because I knew I was going to write about it later. When I came home, I saw that @emilynhoward had also left kind words and thoughts to remember. As I write this I realize: it has to go full circle. This is when I revisit the moment and feel it again and integrate that thought and benefit into my emotional processing. The writing component is vital. It's there for the reading component. I can now read this entry in 3 months and remind myself of something that worked.

So maybe sometimes I get a little bit of imposter syndrome about how useful my writing is for others, but I should remember that regardless it is useful to me. (Here in my place on the web that people choose to read.)

(As a side note, it was weirdly scary and thrilling to ask for pronouns from strangers like that. Nobody skipped a beat.)

zuckerburg images combined to make it look like he only has one eye